Reference projects

Bauxite hopper with material weighing into the line for screening of coke and briquettes in the plant of ČASTOLOVICE
Saint-Gobain Construction Products CZ a.s., division Isover, Prague
Year of realization: 2015

Extension of the lines for recycled material processing with new belt and chain conveyers and technological structures in the plant of JIHLAVA
Kronospan spol.s r.o., Jihlava
Year of realization: 2015
Weighing belt conveyer for the concrete mixing plant NITRA, Slovakia
Schwing-Stetter s.r.o., Ostrava
Year of realization: 2015

Installation, repairs and adjustment of the tarmacadam plant; mixing of polymeric asphalts, pneumatic transport and dosing of polymers from big-bags at tarmacadam plant BRUNTÁL
BMTI ČR spol.s r.o., Brno
Year of realization: 2015
Steel structures of weighing belt conveyers and aggregate storage for concrete mixing plants
MERKO a.s., Ostrava
Year of realization: 2015
Anti noise screen to the cone crusher at the gravel-sound plant UDIČA, Slovakia
Slovenské štrkopiesky s.r.o., Vel´ký Slavkov, Slovakia
Year of realization: 2015
About us
KOOL Trading, spol. s r. o., continues the old tradition of designing and production of technological lines and belt conveyors for the stone industry in Třešť. Since its foundation in 1992, the company has been going through the process of successful development. At present, the company employs 85 workers. It has a sophisticated and experienced design-constructional team followed by a quality productional, assembly and service base.
If you are interested in our services, do not hesitate to contact us via a quick contact. We will be happy to advise you and come up with a solutions.